Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Artist Statement:

This series was inspired by friends who have committed themselves to the pursuit of new and continuation of old relationships, the challenge and joy of living together in very close proximity, and the virtue of hospitality, warmth, and friendship.

These people live in Martin House, Eastern Mennonite University's only on-campus community house, and something of an anomaly when it comes to living situations. The house has a long history at EMU, and an identity that changes as rapidly as its residents. Presently I have a strong connection to this house, as many of my close friends live there, and I felt challenged to capture it, at least bits of it, so that many could see and consider, others, see and remember.

I have attempted to capture the beauty of the house and its residents, while also portraying the sense of closeness, both physically and emotionally, that permeates the Martin House environment. As an outsider, I also feel a sense of mystery surrounding this close community, which I have tried to incorporate through the use of shadow and framing on several images.

Thankfully, last summer's repainting of the interior welcomed bright, vibrant reds and yellows with which to complement my subjects' beautiful features, a fact which made my job far easier and more enjoyable than it very well could have been. Thank you also of course to all the Martin House residents who put up with me and my camera, and, as far as I could tell, acted naturally despite the threat of documentation. Lastly, thank you to Steve Johnson for direction, instruction, and the generous lendings of his lens.

Jason Hostetter

Martin House

Boomer Bauman

Jenna Martin

Jesse Yoder

Katie Cockley

Betsy Fisher

Aaron Nussbaum

Nicki Hoffman

Beth Risser

Jeff Boodie

Brenna Beck

Julia Gingerich

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Julia Gingerich and Katie Cockley
Beth Risser, Aaron Nussbaum, Jenna Martin, Jeff Boodie,
Nicki Hoffman, Betsy Fisher, Jesse Yoder, Julia Gingerich,
Katie Cockley, Brenna Beck, Boomer Bauman
New Applicant Discussion
Jenna Martin and Julia Gingerich
Jenna Martin and Betsy Fisher
Boomer Bauman and Katie Cockley

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Jeff Boodie and Julia Gingerich
Jeff Boodie and Brenna Beck

Katie Cockley and Betsy Fisher
Julia Gingerich, Brenna Beck, and Jeff Boodie
Betsy Fisher and Nicki Hoffman
Martin Housers and guest
Brenna Beck, Betsy Fisher, Beth Risser, Nicki Hoffman, Boomer Bauman, and Jesse Yoder
Jeff Boodie, Jenna Martin, Boomer Bauman, Julia Gingerich, and Jesse Yoder

Monday, November 21, 2005

Here we go

This is the text that I typed in a little box on the screen that will go to the web that can be seen by anyone that will hopefully work in the other site which is as yet not existing and not even conceived of but i guess that's okay because you gotta start somewhere dog.